Though a small province, Quirino is highly significant in the Region in terms of economic and environmental considerations. The importance is viewed the fact that headwaters of the country’s biggest River System called the Cagayan River. That she holds the upper tip of the river that emanates from the province with its direction of the flow down the entire length of the Cagayan Valley to the north. Three other rivers drain the rainwater and underground water of Quirino, namely: Ganano River at northern Quirino, Dumatata River, and Addalem River, and the Casecnan and Conwaprivers joining the Upper Cagayan River within Quirino area. The common outlet of these rivers all connects to Cagayan River in Southern Isabela.

These major tributary rivers are significant water resources which are an indicator that Quirino province has the biggest upland watershed area of the Region. In fact, the Cagayan Valley Plains starts at the foothills of Quirino province. Hence, Quirino is consistently having four major watersheds that are environmentally fragile.

Provincial Capital: Cabarroguis

Local Language: Ilocano