A Hidden Gem in the Heart of Palawan

Tucked away in the northern tip of Palawan lies Coron, a captivating paradise that has steadily gained recognition as one of the world's most sought-after travel destinations. With its crystal-clear waters, breathtaking limestone cliffs, and rich marine biodiversity, Coron offers an unparalleled tropical experience for every kind of traveler.
At the heart of Coron's allure are its pristine lakes and lagoons. Kayangan Lake, often dubbed the "cleanest lake in Asia," is a testament to nature's splendor. Surrounded by towering limestone cliffs, the lake's turquoise waters provide a serene backdrop for swimming and snorkeling. Similarly, the Twin Lagoons, with their mix of fresh and saltwater, are a marvel to explore, especially when the sun casts a golden hue on the water's surface.
For diving enthusiasts, Coron is a treasure trove. The area is renowned for its World War II-era sunken Japanese warships, making it one of the best wreck diving spots globally. These underwater relics, now home to a plethora of marine life, offer divers a unique journey through history and nature. But Coron isn't just about water adventures. Mt. Tapyas offers a challenging trek, but those who reach its summit are rewarded with a panoramic view of the entire town and the surrounding islands. As the sun sets, the vista transforms into a mesmerizing display of colors, making it a favorite spot for both photographers and romantics.
Beach in Coron, Philippines