We are building a place; a place where we can teach each other about the Philippines. We call this place “sulyap sa pinanggalingan”. Look for it here on www.lemcon.asia
You work all over the Philippines. While you work, you send back correspondence to share impressions of where you are. The social media committee will add this correspondence to or website and help us build an archive of thoughts, facts and photos of our country. Share your experiences with us. The correspondence is grouped under these headings:
- Art: Philippine art or culture experienced on the trip. Maybe a local museum, a festival or place of worship.
- Food: Philippine and local food experienced while travelling. Explaining the origins or the ingredients and how that food was especially interesting on this trip.
- History: Maybe it was a stopping place for Aguinaldo as he fled from Captain Mac Arthur or a place associated with Lapu-Lapu. Share the experience.
- Language: Philippines has so many languages. Share a word, a phrase or some interesting fact about languages you either speak or encounter on your travels.
- Place: More than 7,000 islands and mountains over 2,500 meters; there is so much to see in the Philippines. Share your trip. Let us travel with you and see this wonderful country.