

Cathedra - the raised throne of a bishop in early Christian Basilica, also called the bishop's throne. A Cathedra can be found inside the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral - the ecclesiastical seat of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cebu. The Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral...

Faith Within
Faith Within

Faith Within

Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral or also know in Spanish as Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Devotees come here for prayers and healing. It is also believed that the carved statue which is roosted in front of the facade of the cathedral is still...

Faith Within
Faith Within

Faith Within

Miagao Churh also know as Santo Tomas de Villanueva Parish Church. On December 11, 1993 the Church was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the Collective Tittle of Baroque Churches of the Philippines. It is made from adobe, egg, coral, and limestone in...