Discovering the Colors of StoBoSa: La Trinidad’s Hillside Homes Artwork

Footbridge at Trinidad
Colored Homes

In the town of La Trinidad, Benguet, the vibrant StoBoSa Hillside Homes Artwork has transformed a once dull hillside into a stunning and colorful community landmark. Officially known as the StoBoSa Hillside Homes Artwork, this massive mural is composed of houses in the sitios of Stonehill, Botiwtiw, and Sadjap (StoBoSa) in Barangay Balili.

A Community Transformed

With the help of the Tam-awan Village artists and under the Department of Tourism’s (DOT) “RevBloom” campaign, the StoBoSa mural was unveiled. This initiative aimed to revitalize the area, boosting local tourism and community pride. The DOT in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) spearheaded this project, which turned a cluster of concrete houses into a huge, vibrant work of art.

Inspired by the Favela Paint Project in Brazil and the Gamechoen Culture Village in Busan, South Korea, the mural features a variety of colors and patterns that bring new life to the community. The project was led by “solar artist” Jordan Mang-osan, who, along with a team of Tam-awan artists, created a mural that pays homage to the area’s origins as a mountain of sunflowers and limestone rock formations.

Collaborative Effort

The transformation of the StoBoSa hillside required extensive collaboration. Davies Paints provided environment-friendly paints, while the local government supplied paintbrushes and other materials. The project needed 1,000 primer paints and about 1,800 gallons of colored paint to fully cover the hillside homes. An estimated 520 residents, artists, and individual volunteers all contributed to bringing the creative vision to life.

Community leader Gloria Agasen noted that the project has made the area a new destination for visitors, which they hope will boost local livelihoods. She mentioned that houses with good views of the painted homes might open small coffee shops as an additional source of income.

Visual Impact and Tourism

Once considered an eyesore along the La Trinidad highway, the StoBoSa Hillside Homes Artwork is now a major tourist attraction. The vibrant colors and intricate designs draw crowds of onlookers, many of whom come to capture unique, Instagram-worthy images. This transformation not only beautifies the area but also fosters a sense of pride among the residents.

The colorful mural is a testament to the power of community collaboration and artistic vision. It has turned what was once an unappealing sprawl of makeshift houses into a fabulous mural, blending beauty and chaos in one setting.

Visiting StoBoSa

For those planning to visit StoBoSa, the best time is during the dry season, from November to April, when the weather is more favorable for outdoor activities. The site is easily accessible from Baguio City, with several transportation options available. Visitors can take a jeepney or a taxi to the area.

When visiting, take a leisurely walk around the community to fully appreciate the intricate details of the mural. Several vantage points offer stunning photographs of the colorful houses against the lush mountains. Interacting with locals can provide deeper insights into the cultural significance of the mural and the stories behind it.